Nobody likes a liability! Even a man or woman that is considered a liability, does not like a liability. A liability is dictionary defined as a person or thing whose presence or behaviour is likely to put one at a disadvantage. That means such a person is a burden, a hindrance! On the other hand, everybody in this life loves an asset. An asset is dictionary defined as a useful or valuable thing or person. That is someone who enhances others. An assets is exactly what each one of us should strive to be to our spouses. If you single now, be determined to be an asset to your future spouse. Don’t make yourself a weight or a burden to them. Hardly ever do I meet a single lady or gentleman who says “I am working on myself so I can be a blessing to my spouse.” It’s more like “I want a husband who is like this or that or I want a wife who has all these wonderful qualities.” You must also enhance yourself; add value to yourself so that your kind will be wanted!
Why should a lady say that it is when her husband comes along that she will begin to locate her purpose in life? Hear this secret, in case nobody has told you before -You are valuable on your own!! God didn’t make you to be relevant only when you are married. Have a sense of value. Yes marrying my husband added more value to my life but I had a sense of value and worth before marriage. In fact, to me, whether I got married or not, my life still had meaning as far as I was concerned. Marriage is good but please don’t let it define you. Let that man find you doing something. As a man, also locate your vision in life. It’s true that you may not know 100% what your vision is but at least be able to tell your potential wife clearly what you believe your assignment on the earth is and start taking steps towards it.
It’s off putting to meet a gentleman, especially one who claims to be ready for marriage, still saying “I am still thinking about what I want to do” or “I am not sure yet.” Think and pray well for direction before you commence wedding preparations, if not you will be a burden on your wife.
Ask those who are married, it is frustrating to have a husband or wife who is lazy, or has no drive or determination. It slows down progress, it affects peace in the home, etc. Don’t just be bent on getting married; be more determined to be an asset in every sense of the word to your spouse. When both people choose to add value to each other – the platform for fulfilment in the marriage is established.